Featured Poems

  1. A Good Spring for the King by Chris Krechowiecki-Shaw

  2. Joyful Udders by Dubai Phoenix

  3. A Lifetime by Glenis Moore

  4. A Spring Symphony by Ilfa Ijlal

  5. The Fresh Waves of Spring by Moore Ngwenya 

  6. The Morning Bird by Tamara Jackson

  7. A Light Time of Year by Vita Luna

A Good Spring for the King

Chris Krechowiecki-Shaw

“Wettest Spring On Record” the experts pronounced.

“Flooding Chaos for Millions” shrilled the papers.

And yet, unstoppable, the flood waters rose.

Forming the land anew in their soggy image.

Roads became rivers, fields became lakes.

Bridges left as islands, cut off by the torrent.

Patient and inexorable, the waters found their way.

Slipping fingers through defences, filling helpless homes.

The King sat and watched, in finery of green and gold.

Once, his domain was peripheral and shrinking.

Now, he felt his fortunes rise, lift as a tide.

What the water touched fell under his dominion.

Satisfied, the King quacked, ruffled his feathers, and let the current carry him onwards.

Chris says, “I am a UK-based engineer by day, turning to writing to release excess creativity in the evenings and forget about nuts and bolts for a bit! I tend to jot down ideas that occur to me while cooking, gardening or walking the dogs, to see if they grow into stories later.” He can be found at https://mastodon.social/@ASprinkleofSage

Joyful Udders

Dubai Phoenix

Can you feel spring's warm breath knocking on the door?

New life is in the air, dew drops on fresh leaves.

I greet the cows, big and friendly, eager to escape winter’s cold,

Away from the barn where they have huddled close for way too long.


They burst forth, like eager dancers waiting to perform.

With clumsy thread, they frolic and jump,

Hooves sinking into the soft, verdant carpet,

Udders tingling with the anticipation of release.


Who can resist the sight of such happy cows?

Their joy is infectious, contagious even,

I too want to shed my winter's cocoon and feel the sunshine,

Released from the constraints of hibernation, life is beautiful!

Kirsten Westholter, originally from the Netherlands, embarked on a transformative journey in 2016 and left behind her life in Amsterdam for the vibrant landscapes of the United Arab Emirates.

Drawing from her own experiences, Kirsten embraces the Phoenix as a symbol of resilience and rebirth. Writing under the name Dubai Phoenix, she believes in our ability to rise from challenges.

Her poetry reflects her personal journey and observations, exploring themes of love, loss, and passion. Kirsten’s debut poetry collection “Whispers from the Heart” is set to be published in the United Arab Emirates this year.

A Lifetime

Glenis Moore

In the beginning the spring's just a child

peeking around while adults talk of snow,

creeping in places where frost has no hold,

snuggling neath bushes when ice starts to go.


Then in her teens all the buds love to swell,

birds think of romance and raising their chicks,

flowers push out fondly from winter abodes

and hedgehogs build nests from piles of old sticks.


When spring is an adult the daffodils bloom,

the blossom of fruit tress like stars in the sky

that twinkle in daytime while birds sing their tunes

as summer is coming, the warm breezes sigh.


As old age falls on her the spring withers but

her end brings the sunshine so it's not to fear.

She packs up her things and retires from the world

to rest till her rebirth in winter next year.

Glenis is a relatively new poet working in the flat lands of the Fens
near Cambridge, UK. When she is not writing she makes beaded jewellery,
knits, reads and runs 10K races slowly. She has been previously
published by Dust Poetry, Impspire, Litbop, Constellations and Cosmic

A Spring Symphony

Ilfa Ijlal

In a meadow kissed by dawn's maiden light,

where blossoms bloom in colors bright.

A crystal-clear stream weaves its way,

Through the fields where little ones play.


The aroma of mangoes occupies the air,

As lovely birdsong echoes everywhere.

Green hills rise with ceremonious grace,

Their cliffs an oasis, a holy space.


Under the vast sky of endless blue,

where hazy clouds dance in figures anew.

A spot unspoiled by time's wicked hand,

Where tranquility governs supreme across the land.


Here, worries melt like morning dew,

As nature's elegance displays anew.

In this ideal place, hearts seek ease,

And souls are free to stroll as they please.

The outstanding voice of Ilfa Ijlal, a Sri Lankan, enthralls listeners with her poignant poetry and insightful observations. She is a passionate poet and  a lecturer who skillfully incorporates themes of identity, belonging, and the human condition into her writing. Ilfa's poetry takes readers on an empathetic and self-discovering journey with a competent mix of lyricism and reflection. Her contributions to literature have a profound impact and inspire both established poets and up-and-coming poets.

The Fresh Waves of Spring

Moore Ngwenya 

The sun awakes from the distant horizon.

To grab away every trail of frost.

As the clouds separate in clutters, 

Opening a way for the fresh waves of spring.

The sun shooting down spears of life,

Reliving the withering plants.

Sprouting the dormant seeds, 

laying in a decade moments of sleep.

Heating the pearly petals till they blossom a magma of fragrance.

Fruits already folding into a bolus of juices and ripes.

All humming a tuneful melody of rejoice.

To the fresh waves of spring.

Grass slowly growing into green velds of spring.

Beaming tassels leaping with trails of rejoice.

With wildlife bustling in the area aborting migration. 

Their stomachs bulging sideways like a roll of haysack.

The skin gleaming with gratitude

 to the fresh waves of spring.

People slowly defrosting from the freezing houses.

Slowly rolling jerseys in packs 

and stacks.

Connecting to the colorful community.

Cutting the tight chains of isolation free.

Greetings being the grail of every tongue.

Embracing a shoulder of unity 

and reassurance.

As culture and heritage unleash its brightful glimpse of existence.

Celebrations slowly crowding every corner of the place.

As camp tents erect in every green sport of nature.

All in adoration making a grand parade,

to the fresh waves of spring.

The Morning Bird

Tamara Jackson

Tweet tweet,

Tweet tweet,

The morning birds are not asleep.

Whistling and chirping to start the day,

Springing into action out of dismay.

Buzzing and humming means it time,

The fresh spring air is just sublime.

Mother earth begins to call into action,

For it is time to whisk into a new olfaction.

Daisies, peonies, roses and more,

Different aromas, what more can you ask for?

Tweet tweet,

Tweet tweet,

It is time to ground new pairs of feet.

Spring begins to bring in a new season,

One with baby fever, just a breezin’.

Starlings, songbirds, blue jays, and cardinals,

An array of life which is just remarkable.

Many begin to be booted from the nest,

Beginning their journey is the grand ole forest.

Tweet tweet,

Tweet tweet,

Mothers still can not take a seat.

This is the time mothers are needed most,

To make sure their babies can get off the coast.

Sheltering, feeding, and nurturing the youngins’,

All so they can grow up free and bucking.

Young and wild, mothers must handle,

For who else would deal with the little rascals?

Tweet tweet,

Tweet tweet,

The morning birds can finally sleep,

For spring is over and obsolete.

Time to bring in the hot new season,

Summer has come, and it is nicely brazen.

Say goodbye to spring and its new beginnings,

It is time to take flight for the young new fledglings.

Tamara says, “My name is Tamara Jackson, I’m a 10th grader located in a small town in Georgia. I have recently gotten back into writing, as it used to be a strong passion of mine, and I hope I can spark this passion of writing back to life through short stories and poetry exhibitions.”

A Light Time of Year

Vita Luna

Spring for me

Is the possibility

Of reading in the park


When flowers bloom

There’s a little less gloom

In the brightening dark


Suns set later

Streets adorned with skaters

That is Spring, alright


Iced cream cones

And cinnamon domes

And sweet dreams in the night

Vita Luna (née Vita Luna Jansen) is a Dutch graduate of English Literature. She has published two romance dramedy novels, 'Love and Loss in Camden' and 'Daniel, David & Denise'. She also released another novel, called 'Breckan and Co.'s Strange Discoveries Volume 1: The Facility', which is a kind of science fiction thriller for middle grade and up. 'Volume 2: The Aftermath', 'Volume 3: The Search', ‘Volume 4: The Escape’ and ‘Volume 5: The Finale’ have just been released. She hopes to continue sharing her imagination with the world.